Wow! I stopped blogging 1 year ago. Why you ask? Well, that's when I got my iPhone and used my iPhone more than my laptop. I keep saying that I'm going to write more but I guess my biggest thing is commitment and effort. I do find that downloading pics to be time consuming but a blog without pics isn't very interesting and no one really wants to read it, right?
So, here's my 2011 plan. I'm going to try to blog more often. It will be random blogs, nothing specific but just what's on the mind of this Parasite. I guess what's on this Parasite's mind most time is baking and traveling, so I hope it'll be blogs on that. It's won't be about my stress or work or anything serious like that!
BUT THAT'S NOT MY 2011 RESOLUTION PLAN!!! My New Year resolution plan is to not, I repeat NOT, buy another recipe book until I try all the recipes in a book I currently own. Each book I complete, I will get to buy a new book. What this means, my fellow followers, is you get to see what I cook and my thoughts on the food and recipe.
So here's to 2011 and here's to my 2011 plans. Let's hope I can finally keep it and it won't be another year before I blog again!