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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fettuccine with Sambuca and Cranberries

I used up my whipping cream by making Fettuccine with Sambuca and Cranberries. Not only did I use up my whipping cream, I used it from my recipe book The Best of the Best and More (still keeping on with my new year resolution)

It was easy and yummy!!

So let me tell about it.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Best of the Best - Best of Bridges

I was introduced to The Best of the Best and More by a coworker. I immediately liked the book because it was a simple to follow the recipes and very doable. Plus the ingrediants were attainable easily and most grocery stores. So, in January, I started making some of the recipes, as part of my New Year resolution. I'm going to talk about it here two items I made from this book.

At this moment, I'm not at home and not able to take a picture of the recipe book but I'm going to check my Amazon link and see if I can show a picture of it.
The Best of The Best and More (1 in a series of 7 cookbooks)
The Best of the Best
Let me tell you a little about this series. It's quite well known in Canada, though it's more well known by my mother's generation. It's a Canadian series that started in the in 1976 by friends who wanted to share the food they made during their bridge club meetings. This book has become very popular here that they are reprinting them and making new volumes for a new generation. (

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Banana bread

I usually wouldn't blog about banana bread as it's quite commonly baked. However since this recipe uses my leftover creme fraiche, I thought I'd blog about it.

So if you read my previous posts, I have lots of whipping cream, buttermilk, ricotta cheese and creme leftover from making my mushroom tart. I wanted to use my creme fraiche since it only had a fridge life of 10 days. I reviewed my recipe books, googled internet and recipe apps to find any recipe that would use my creme fraiche. Finally I found a banana bread recipe in epicurious app on the iPhone that used creme fraiche and got lots of rave reviews.

Making of - Banana bread with creme fraiche

The recipe is not easy as I had to mix sugar and 4 eggs for 10 min until the batter formed ribbons.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mushroom Tart

I had to prepare something for a potluck. I can't really cook and since it's all girls, I wanted something light. Pasta, salads and desserts were taken so I didn't know what to do.

I decided to make a mushroom tart. I wanted it to taste like Delissimo' thin crust mushroom medley pizza. That is a wonderful pizza, with this amazing cream sauce/cheese.

I looked at my recipe books but the tart shell needed a food processor to pulse the ingredients. I don't have a food processor. I thought about mixing by hand but I know that without proper instructions, my pastry will be hard as a rock.

I started googling mushroom tart and saw a bunch of recipes but they didn't appeal to me because not enough cheese, I didn't like the pastry, using goat cheese (which some might not like) or too much work.

I did find one on the food network site but it asked for blue cheese. I LOVE blue cheese! Really I do. I sometimes melt it in my rice or usually have it on my burger but blue cheese and mushroom?? Also, I wasn't sure if other people would like blue cheese, as it's quite strong. In the comment section, people used feta cheese but that wasn't the taste or texture I wanted.

So I kept searching...

I found a website called and he had a mushroom tart. It was a very simple recipe. His website was looked great and so I read about him. He's a real chef and worked with Michelin chefs before.

Anyways, back to my tarts....

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Wooden Spoon Bread Book

I'm very much into bread and bought Marilyn Moore's book called The Wooden Spoon Bread Book and The Wooden Spoon Dessert Book. I bought them because Ms Moore describes sone recipes from her mother and grandmother and I enjoy "old" family recipes. I left the dessert book in Edmonton so can't comment on it.

I started reading her bread book.

It's quite interesting as she gives her opinion and knowledge of bread making. It's not as scientific as Peter Reinhart's book. I'll take about that book in another posting. This book focused on her experience.

I like her low key and experiential tone. It was very interesting and easy to read. I've only tried one of her recipes so far but it's very easy to follow along and ingredients are quite clear.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chinese New Year food

I forgot to talk about some of the food. I won't show my traditional supper food since I didn't prepare very good food for last night's supper. Last night was New Year Eve, where we eat supper together with certain food.

I do have some snacks that I eat.

This is fried dumplings. It called "kok".

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Chinese New Year's Eve at Aberdeen Mall

Happy Chinese New Year!!! Hope the rabbit year brings you lots of wealth, happiness and success!!

I went to Aberdeen Mall cos a good friend was visiting. It was good to see this friend, as I don't see her as often as I should. I was sick but I'm guess hanging out with good friends improve health cos both times I saw her, I was quite sick but next day felt better. Now I understand that it's good for your health to keep good people by you!!!

Anyways, I thought I'd share some sights of Chinese New Year (CNY).

Here is are some pictures of the market. This stall was selling Lions. If I had a bigger house, I would buy to decorate my house, as I love lion dance.

Signs of good fortunes and lucky sayings to hang around the house.